I wanted to create a classic scene. Lovers hidden away in the woods, but with a slightly odd twist to it. I've tried to create all the pieces with just something thats sightly off and not right about them. Like something you just can't put your finger on. I used color grading and vignetting to do this. But interpret them as you will.
I've called it a conjunction shoot because i've linked this to "Ghost", with the idea of having a secret love story, and then loosing it, which reflected in the short with the use of the same props and actors.
Shooting with a 52mm lens have a ridiclous amount of bokeh on these images, the focus was so tight on the lens that i actually struggled at one point to focus the images effectivly. But i really love the effect its given, it gives a really nice mystery to the images, only ever having a specific subject in focus, it launches the images to be anywhere at anytime.
One thing i would have liked to work on would time have permitted would have been costumes, Olly's (Man with the bow), was already in costume from the shoots that day, but Anna wasn't and wasn't able to stay for long enough to justify a full costume. But i don't think it detracts from the images value in particular. I really liked the experimental side of my colour grading in this part and the rest of the shoot. Reflecting the work of Bill Viola in a subtle way.
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