What have i learned from this experience?
First and foremost, my working style. Creating an electronic workbook in the form of a blog has helped me stay on top of my workload to a massive extent. Its helped me stay organised and on schedule with where i want to be and allowed me to use my skills with a computer to my advantage. I feel far more confident using a blog and plan to continue to update it with my further photographic work that i will do in the future.
In terms of my final piece, and the entire project actually, is that i am able to organize an entire shoot with actual models, outside of school,with props etc. Learning to organize these shoots was a steep learning curve but one that i have risen to and achieved.
I've learned the value of shooting in RAW in the context of photography and film. The freedom that I've got from it in terms of colour grading footage and photograph. Being able to create the scene that i want using post and colour has meant that i can focus on creating the scene within the actual shoot, focusing more on Mise en Scene while i am there. This leads me to the next point which is that I've learned the value of what i actually put into a scenic image. Because this is the first year that I've really worked with creating stories, I've had little experience with how i compose a shot for a photograph, with film being a little different. I have now learned the skills that are need to compose a well rounded shoot.
Another thing that I've learned is how to shoot at night, and managing lighting to a high level. For most of the shoots that i did in the dark i used car headlights to create my lighting system. This was really effective and to be honest i don't think it would be possible to create the shots as i have without an external light source. Originally i used torches to create the lighting in the scene, but it was too uneven for what i wanted.
Are you pleased with the result and how successful do you think you have been?How could you have improved your work? Give reasons.Think about how you have conveyed ideas and feeling and how well you have responded to the theme and recorded your creative journey.
I'm incredibly pleased with the results of my final pieces. Although i feel that if i'd of had more time i would of liked to explore the idea's more and give more of a rounded approach to the theme. I've said it a number of times throughout my blog, but i hate spoon feeding idea's to people. This is how i see my work, my idea's behind it, but if you see it completely differently, that's fine with me. I wanted to create a theme of growth of idea's and its my opinion that i've done this well. In terms of improving, if time had permitted i believe that my work would only of got better, increasing in standard as i got more practice with film, as with the night photography in the project. I would of liked to move the photography side of the project a little further forward, maybe expanding into double exposure photography and encorporating night photography into that, which would have been exciting and i plan to do it anyway.
I feel that using a blog allowed me to record my creative journey to a much higher standard that if i'd used a sketch book. Its meant that in my mind i've got more of cannon to my work and i can see more of a flow than before. This has been a success for me this year.
What aspects of your work did you find most interesting?
Anything where i was out taking images, recording footage, was the most interesting to me. I enjoy the editing process but often simply find it too stressful to say that i can relax while doing it. When i'm out doing something to do with the piece, its all my own creation, its just raw unlimited creativity, which i love about lens based media. The final few shoots were a highlight. I found them the most interesting to shoot because of how well organised they were, but how they gave way to spontanous moments where the photograph's would just seem to happen. "Pull over here, we're on our way but this location looks great", this in part was due to the freedom of having a car, but how i was able to pull moments out of nothing was a real point of interest to me.
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